Unofficial translation by Nepal Law Society, International IDEA, and UNDP.
Preamble , Source of constitutional authorityWe, the people of Nepal, in exercise of the sovereign powers inherent in us,
Embracing the sovereign right of the people and the right to autonomy and self-rule, by maintaining Nepal’s independence, sovereignty, geographical integrity, national unity, freedom and dignity,
Reference to country's historyRemembering the glorious history of historical peoples’ movements and armed struggles time and again and the sacrifice made by people for national interest, democracy, progressive change, and recognizing the martyrs, the disappeared citizens and the victims,
Ending all forms of discriminations and oppression created by the feudal, autocratic, centralized and unitary system,
Integration of ethnic communities , Motives for writing constitution , Reference to fraternity/solidarity
Embracing multi-caste, multi-lingual, multi-cultural and diverse geographical specificities, by ending discriminations relating to class, caste, region, language, religion and gender discrimination including all forms of racial untouchability, in order to protect and promote unity in diversity, social and cultural solidarity, tolerance and harmonious attitudes, we also express our determination to create an egalitarian society on the basis of the principles of proportional inclusion and participation, to ensure equitable economy, prosperity and social justice,
Freedom of press , Motives for writing constitutionExpressing commitment to create the bases of socialism by adopting democratic norms and values, including peoples' competitive multi-party democratic governance system, civil liberty, fundamental rights, human rights, adult franchise, periodic elections, complete press freedom and an independent, impartial and competent judiciary, and the concept of rule of law,
Motives for writing constitution , Type of government envisionedNOW THEREFORE, in order to fulfill the aspirations for perpetual peace, good governance, development and prosperity through the medium of federal democratic republican system of governance, hereby promulgate this Constitution through the Constituent Assembly.
The sovereignty and state authority of Nepal are vested in Nepali people. The use of which shall be as provided for in this constitution.
Having multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious, multi-cultural characteristics with common aspirations of people living in diverse geographical regions, and being committed to and united by a bond of allegiance to national independence, territorial integrity, national interest and prosperity of Nepal, all the Nepali people collectively constitute the nation.
Nepal is an independent, indivisible, sovereign, secular, inclusive democratic, socialism-oriented federal democratic republican state.
Explanation: For the purpose of this article, 'secular' means protection of religion and culture being practiced since ancient times and religious and cultural freedom.
All the mother tongues spoken in Nepal shall be the national language.
Official or national languagesA person, born in Nepal to a Nepali citizen mother, who has domicile in Nepal and whose father is not identified, shall be granted citizenship of Nepal by descent.
Provided that in case his/her father is proved to be a foreign citizen the citizenship of such a person shall be converted into naturalized citizenship as provided for by the federal law.
Requirements for naturalization Requirements for naturalization , Requirements for birthright citizenshipNotwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Article, in case of a person born to a Nepali woman citizen married to a foreign citizen, who has permanent domicile in Nepal and has not acquired citizenship of a foreign country, he/she may acquire naturalized citizenship of Nepal as provided for by the federal law.
Provided that at the time of acquisition of citizenship, both his/her mother and father are citizens of Nepal such person born in Nepal may acquire citizenship of Nepal by descent.
Requirements for naturalization Accession of territoryAccording to this Constitution, a person who acquires citizenship of Nepal by descent may obtain citizenship certificate of Nepal in the name of his/her mother or father with gender identity.
Conditions for revoking citizenshipOther provisions relating to the acquisition, re-acquisition and termination of citizenship shall be as provided for by the federal law.
Right to culture , Regional group(s)A person who has acquired citizenship of a foreign country and who resides in a country other than a country member of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and who previously himself or herself or his/her father or mother, grandfather or grandmother was a citizen of Nepal by descent or by birth and who later acquired the citizenship of a foreign country may be granted non-resident citizenship of Nepal allowing him/her to enjoy the economic, social and cultural rights as provided for by the federal law.
Record keeping of each citizen of Nepal along with his/her identity and other provisions regarding citizenship of Nepal shall be as provided for by the federal law.
Equality regardless of financial status , Equality regardless of race , Equality for persons with disabilities , Equality regardless of gender , Equality regardless of religion , Equality regardless of language , Equality regardless of creed or belief , Equality regardless of tribe or clan , Equality regardless of origin
Equality regardless of origin , Equality regardless of tribe or clan , Equality regardless of race , Equality regardless of financial status , Equality regardless of gender , Equality regardless of creed or belief , Equality regardless of language , Equality regardless of religion
The state shall not discriminate among citizens on grounds of origin, religion, race, caste, tribe, sex, economic condition, language or geographical region, ideology and such other matters.
Provided that nothing shall be deemed to bar the making of special provisions by law for the protection, empowerment or advancement of the women lagging behind socially and culturally, Dalits, Adibasi, Madhesi, Tharus, Muslims, oppressed class, backward communities, minorities, marginalized groups, peasants, laborers, youths, children, senior citizens, sexual minorities, persons with disability, pregnant, incapacitated and the helpless persons, and of the citizens who belong to backward regions and financially deprived citizens including the Khas Arya.
Explanation: With reference to this Part and Part 4, “financially deprived” means the person having the income less than prescribed in the Federal law.
Right to just remuneration Radio , Freedom of pressProvided that nothing shall be deemed to prevent the making of laws to impose reasonable restriction on any act which may undermine the nationality, sovereignty, and indivisibility of Nepal, or the good relations between federal units, or jeopardizes the harmonious relations subsisting among different caste groups and tribes, or communities, or an act of treason, or defamation of social dignity of individuals through the publication and dissemination of false material, or contempt of court, or material that incites criminal offence, or an act that is contrary to decent public behavior and morality, or disrespects labor, or incites untouchability or gender discriminations.
Telecommunications , TelevisionIf there is any broadcasting, publishing or printing, or dissemination of news, article, editorial, feature, or other material through the medium of electronic equipment or the use of visuals or audio-visuals, no radio, television, online publication or any kind of digital or electronic equipment, or press, or other kind of media outlet, shall be closed, seized, or their registration cancelled for publishing, or transmitting, or broadcasting such material.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to prevent the making of Acts to regulate radio, television, online or the use of any other kind of digital or electronic equipment, printing press or other medium of communication.
TelecommunicationsThe person who is arrested shall have the right to consult a legal practitioner of her/his choice and be defended from the time of arrest. The consultations held with the legal practitioner and the advice given thereon shall remain confidential.
Provided that this clause shall not apply to a citizen of an enemy state.Explanation: For the use of this clause “legal practitioner” shall mean a person who has the legal right to represent any person in any court or office.
Restrictions on rights of groups , Protection from unjustified restraintEvery person who is arrested shall be produced before a judicial authority within a period of twenty-four hours after such arrest, excluding the time necessary for the journey from the time and place of arrest to such authority, and the arrested person shall not be detained in custody beyond the said period except on the order of such authority.
Provided that this clause shall not apply to a person in preventive detention or to a citizen of an enemy state.