One of the most vital things to consider for any sole proprietor, partnership or corporation (resident or non-resident) is to register for a CRA Business Number. Not all businesses require a business number, but if the following situation applies to your business, then you must register.
Registration for a CRA Business Number can easily be done online via Business Registration Online (BRO) Services.
The Business Registration Online method is one the most efficient, quickest, and easiest way to register for the CRA business number. In order to register for the business number, you will need the following key information:
Personal information:
Business information – For Self Employed Businesses and Partnerships
Business information – For Corporations
You can accc ess the Business Registration Online website here and follow the prompts . Upon completion, you will receive your business number effortlessly. You also have the opportunity to register for one or more of the most common Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) program accounts listed below:
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