Frequently Asked Questions

SERB supports research in frontier areas of Science and Engineering. A regular faculty / researcher in an academic / research institution can seek research support to carry out his/her research. Board also gives special attention to young scientists below the age of 35 years (relaxable by 5 years in the case of SC/ST/OBC, woman and physically handicapped category) to undertake independent research in newly emerging and frontier areas of science and engineering. Read More

Extra Mural Research Funding (Individual Centric)

Q1: I want to apply for an Extra- mural Research Funding scheme for the first time. What is the maximum amount of the grant the Board will fund?

There is no upper limit ( or even lower limit) for a project grant. The budget is decided based on the requirement for its successful implementation. The Investigator should propose a budget which is realistic taking into account the infrastructure and resources available at the implementing institutions.

Q2: Does the Board has any priority areas for funding under EMR scheme?

No. The Board funds all the areas of Science and Engineering without discriminating between disciplines. The proposal will be funded if it has novelty and the investigator has the competence to execute the project.

Q3: I am currently executing an EMR project in the area of Chemical Sciences. I want to apply for an another EMR project in Physical Sciences. Will I be funded another project?

No. The Board funds only one project to an Investigator at a time, except in cases where calls for proposals are invited for specific areas/schemes/programs.

Q4: Are Co-Investigators allowed in EMR project? If they are from different institutions, can the budget be provided separately to both the Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator(s)?

Yes. Co-Investigator(s) are allowed in EMR project, provided the work proposed require complementary expertise for its implementation. Separate budget can also be provided to the Co-Investigator (s) even if they belong to different institutions.

Q5: Does SERB discriminate Project Investigators working in Private Universities/Institutions in funding ?

No. SERB does not discriminate Project Investigators working in Private Universities/Institutions. Funding decisions are made based on merit of the proposal , competence of the Investigator(s), and the infrastructure available in the implementing institution, and not on the category of institutions the Investigator is working.

Q6: Are Co-Investigators are allowed in EMR project? If they are from different institutions, can the budget be provided separately to both the Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator(s)?

Yes. Co-Investigator(s) are allowed in EMR project, provided the work proposed require complementary expertise for its implementation. Separate budget can also be provided to the Co-Investigator (s) even if they belong to different institutions.

Core Research Grant (CRG)

Q1: I want to apply for a Core Research Grant scheme for the first time. What is the maximum amount of the grant the Board will fund?

There is no upper limit (or even lower limit) for a project grant. The budget is decided based on the requirement for its successful implementation. The Investigator should propose a budget which is realistic taking into account the infrastructure and resources available at the implementing institutions.

Q2: Does the Board has any priority areas for funding under CRG scheme?

No. The Board funds all the areas of Science and Engineering without discriminating between disciplines. The proposal will be funded if it has novelty and the investigator has the competence to execute the project.

Q3: I am currently executing a CRG project in the area of Chemical Sciences. I want to apply for an another CRG project in Physical Sciences. Will I be funded another project?

No. The Board funds only one project to an Investigator at a time, except in cases where calls for proposals are invited for specific areas/schemes/programs.

Q4: Are Co-Investigators allowed in CRG grant? If they are from different institutions, can the budget be provided separately to both the Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator(s)?

Yes. Co-Investigator(s) are allowed in CRG grant, provided the proposed work requires complementary expertise for its implementation. Separate budget can also be provided to the Co-Investigator (s) only if they belong to different institutions.

Q5: Does SERB discriminate Project Investigators working in Private Universities/Institutions in funding?

No. Funding decisions are made based on merit of the proposal, competence of the Investigator(s), and the infrastructure available in the implementing institution, and not on the category of institutions the Investigator is working.

Q6: After project sanctioning whether PI will be allowed to change the host institution?

Yes. SERB prior approval is required for the transfer of project before the expiration date of the approved project period (duration period should be at least 1 year). Project transfer should be intimated to SERB well in advance at least two months prior to the date of transfer.

Q7: Whether the project can be extended beyond the sanctioned duration?

SERB strongly encourages investigators to complete their projects within the sanctioned duration. Due to unforeseen the study could not be executed within the sanctioned period SERB consider the No-Cost Extension. However, PI needs to make a no-cost extension request in the SERB online portal three months before the project completion period. Kindly note that No-cost extension is subject to approval of budget availability in the grant and the work progress made during the sanctioned period.

Q8: Does Annual work progress report and UC/SE need to be submitted financial year wise or annually?

Annual work progress report should be submitted every year calculated based on the project start date. The financial documents should be submitted immediately after completion of financial year ie after 31st March of every year.

Q9: Does Bio-ethical clearance documents should be submitted at the time of application submission?

Valid mandatory bio-ethical clearance documents (IAEC, IEC, IBSC, IC-SCR, NAC-SCRT, wild life etc.) as applicable to the project should be submitted once the project is technically recommended by the PAC and approved by the SERB. Title of such clearances should be issued specifically on the title of the project or specific objectives of the project. Provisionally approved or submission of documents to the respective bio-ethical committee for approval will not be accepted.

Q10: what is project evaluation procedure?

All the received proposals will be scrutinized for their eligibility as per the CRG specified guidelines. Next stage, Program Advisory committee (PAC) constituted for the purpose will screen the proposal based on the technical merit, credential of the investigator(s), feasibility of executing the project and etc. The Proposals that are screened in will be sent to external reviewers and to the committee members for their detailed technical view on the project. Based on the overall technical merit of the proposal and the competence of the investigator, PAC will grade all the proposals for further approval of the competent authority in SERB.

Scientific and Useful Profound Research Advancement (SUPRA)

Q1: I want to apply for a SUPRA Research Grant scheme for the first time. What is the maximum amount of the grant the Board will fund?

There is no upper limit (or even lower limit) for a project grant.

Q2: Does the Board has any priority areas for funding under SUPRA scheme?

No. Breakthrough research in any discipline of Science and Engineering.

Q3: I am currently executing an CRG project in the area of Chemical Sciences. I want to apply for an another SUPRA project in Physical Sciences. Will I be funded another project?

Yes. The SUPRA is a special call.

Q4: Are Co-Investigators allowed in SUPRA project? If they are from different institutions, can the budget be provided separately to both the Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator(s)?

Yes. Co-Investigator(s) are allowed in SUPRA project, provided the work proposed require complementary expertise for its implementation. Separate budget can also be provided to the Co-Investigator (s) even if they belong to different institutions.

Q5: I am currently executing a SUPRA project in the area of Chemical Sciences. I want to apply for an another SUPRA project in Physical Sciences. Will I be funded another project?

No. The Board funds only one SUPRA project to an Investigator at a time. www.serbonline and

Q6: What is the maximum amount of the grant the Board will fund?

The funding is provided up to a maximum of Rs. 50.0 lakh (excluding overhead charges) for a period not exceeding four years. The budget should be proposed based on the requirement for the successful implementation of the project. The final decision regarding the budget will be made by the Expert Committee.

--> Q7: Can I have a Co-PI in EMEQ project? --> Q8: I belong to OBC category. Can I apply under EMEQ Scheme?

No. This scheme is specially meant to support scientists belonging to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe only.

Q9: If I am from the SC/ST category, am I eligible to apply only in EMEQ and not in EMR scheme?

You are eligible to apply in both the schemes provided the proposals are distinctly different.

Q10: Does the Board have any priority areas for funding under EMEQ scheme?

No. The Board funds all the areas of Science and Engineering without discriminating any discipline. Research proposals outside the normal activities of such institutions (i.e. National R&D Programs, Programs in newly emerging and front-line areas of research etc.) will be preferred. Further, proposals involving purely survey-oriented work and routine studies will not be normally considered. The proposal will be funded if it has novelty and the investigator has the competence to execute the project.

Q11: Does the Board allow to travel abroad under EMEQ scheme?

International travel is not supported under the EMEQ project.

Q12: Do I need to provide any special document/certificates for project involving Recombinant DNA work or experiments with human/animal material or Earth science under this grant?

The following documents should also be included along with the proposal Projects which involve Recombinant DNA work should be examined and certified by Institutional Biosafety Committee.

Projects, which are clinically oriented or projects, which involve experiments with human and/or animal material, should be examined and certified by Institutional Ethics Committee.

Proposals in the area of Earth Sciences should contain the geological map of the region to be studied.

Q13: Does SERB discriminate Project Investigators working in Private Universities/Institutions in funding?

No. SERB does not discriminate Project Investigators working in Private Universities/Institutions. Funding decisions are made based on merit of the proposal, competence of the Investigator(s), and the infrastructure available in the implementing institution, and not on the category of institutions the Investigator is working.

Intensification of Research in High Priority Areas (IRHPA)

Q1: Who Can Submit?

Scientist in regular service from academic and research institutions in India can submit a proposal under this scheme. For specific guidelines, Please refer IRPHA notification call for proposals in specific areas as per the details below :
SERB-IRHPA National Biosafety Level (BSL 3 / ABSL 3) Facilities Click here for more details

Q2: When and How to Submit?

The proposal should be submitted online only, through the website The format, guidelines and other details of the scheme are available in the same website. No hard copy of the proposal will be accepted.

Q3: Areas of Research Support?

  1. SERB Centre for Energy Transformation and Storage (Call is closed)
  2. SERB Centres on AI-based Earth Systems Modeling (Call is closed)
  3. SERB Centres for Antibody Engineering (Call is closed)
  4. SERB-IRHPA National Biosafety Level (BSL 3 / ABSL 3) Facilities (Call is open) Click here for more details

Q4: Components of Grant?

The component of grant is similar to other project submitted to SERB. However, the amount of grant is higher than regular projects. The duration of the project is 5 years. The host institute should have a sustainability plan to continue the research activities beyond the normal duration of 5 years. Commitment of the Institute should be specified in the proposal.

Q5: Mechanism of Implementation and Monitoring?

The proposals submitted for support are peer reviewed by the experts in the area. Specific expert committee will evaluate the proposals. SERB board takes the final decision following its appraisal and approval mechanisms. The sanctioned projects will be monitored through Management Advisory Committee constituted for this purpose.

Empowerment and Equity Opportunities for Excellence in Science (EMEQ)

Q1: Can I apply for EMEQ Opportunities after my superannuation in academic institutions/national labs or any other recognized R&D institutions in the field of Science and Engineering?

No. The applicant should have at least four years of service remaining before superannuation as on the date of submission of the proposal.

Q2: I am working abroad as post-doc, and I want to return to India. I intend to apply for EMEQ. But I have not yet finalized my place of work. Am I eligible to apply under the scheme?

No. The applicant should be an active researcher belonging to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe category working on regular basis in academic institutions/national labs or any other recognized R&D institutions in the field of Science and Engineering.

Q3: Can I apply for a project under EMEQ scheme when I am already implementing another project (such as EMR) of SERB?

Yes, except TARE.

Q4: Can I apply for a project under EMEQ scheme when I am already implementing another project within the same scheme in SERB?

No. Researchers / Scientists who are running an ongoing project under this program as on the date of submission of the proposal, are not eligible to apply.

Q5: Is there any specific time-line for applying proposals under this scheme?

The project proposals for consideration under EMEQ scheme can be submitted only when the call for proposal is made. The call will be made in the website and

Q6: What is the maximum amount of the grant the Board will fund?

The funding is provided up to a maximum of Rs. 50.0 lakh (excluding overhead charges) for a period not exceeding three years. The budget should be proposed based on the requirement for the successful implementation of the project. The final decision regarding the budget will be made by the Task Force Committee.

Q7: Can I have a Co-PI in EMEQ project?

Yes, except TARE.

Q8: I belong to OBC category. Can I apply under EMEQ Scheme?

No. This scheme is specially meant to support scientists belonging to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe only.

Q9: If I am from the SC/ST category, am I eligible to apply only in EMEQ and not in EMR scheme?

You are eligible to apply in both the schemes provided the proposals are distinctly different.

Q10: Does the Board have any priority areas for funding under EMEQ scheme?

No. The Board funds all the areas of Science and Engineering without discriminating any discipline. Research proposals outside the normal activities of such institutions (i.e. National R&D Programs, Programs in newly emerging and front-line areas of research etc.) will be preferred. Further, proposals involving purely survey-oriented work and routine studies will not be normally considered. The proposal will be funded if it has novelty and the investigator has the competence to execute the project.

Q11: Does the Board allow to travel abroad under EMEQ scheme?

International travel is not supported under the EMEQ project.

Q12: Do I need to provide any special document/certificates for project involving Recombinant DNA work or experiments with human/animal material or Earth science under this grant?

Q13: Does SERB discriminate Project Investigators working in Private Universities/Institutions in funding?

No. SERB does not discriminate Project Investigators working in Private Universities/Institutions. Funding decisions are made based on merit of the proposal, competence of the Investigator(s), and the infrastructure available in the implementing institution, and not on the category of institutions the Investigator is working.

Start-up Research Grant (SRG)

Q1: What is the age limit for availing SRG?

The upper age limit for SRG is 42 years, with a relaxation of three years for SC/ST/OBC/ Physically challenged and women candidates.

Q2: What is the nature of support in SRG scheme?

SRG is a one-time grant and carries a maximumresearch grant of Rs. 30 Lakhs (excluding overheads) for a period of two years.The research grant covers equipment, manpower, consumables, manpower, travel and contingency apart from overheads.

Q3: What is the duration of the SRG project? Can it be extended?

SRG project period is of 2 years. Extension of the project period is not encouraged. Only in very rare and exceptional cases, depending on the necessity and progress of the project,no cost extension will be considered. Such period of extension will be limited to a maximum of six months.

Q4: When should I apply for SRG? Can I apply for the projects throughout the year?

The Call for applications will be notified through the website and The application form along with a proper research proposal highlighting the research work to be undertaken should be submitted online through the website during the call opening period.

Q5: How should I apply for SRG?

All applications should be submitted through the SERB online portal

Q6: Can I have a Co-PI in SRG project? Can I have a Mentor in SRG?

Co-PI or Mentors are not allowed in this scheme. However, foreign nationals are mandated to have an Indian Co-PI.

Q7: I am working abroad as post-doc, and I want to return to India. I intend to apply for SRG. But I have not yet finalized my place of work. Am I eligible to apply under the scheme?

No. The applicant must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution/ or national laboratories or any other recognized R&D institutions. Only after joining a research or academic institution, one can apply for the grants under this scheme.

Q8: I am implementing an SRG project for the last one year. Am I eligible to apply for another project under any other scheme/award or fellowship programs of SERB?

In general, a PI is allowed to operate only one SERB project at a time. Exceptions are allowed for some specific calls under cetain topics/programs/schemes. In all other cases, PIcan submit another proposal under regular schemes of SERB six months prior to the completion of the ongoing SRG project.

Q9: What documents should I send for receiving the next instalments of the grant?

The PIs should upload annual Progress Report and financial statements at the end of each financial year. The release of the next instalment of the grant will be considered only after submission of (a) Proper Utilization Certificate (separately for recurring & Non-recurring) and Statement of Expenditure, financial year wise and (b) Annual Progress Report through the SERB online portal.

Q10: I intend to change my Host Institution? What procedure should I follow?

Change of host institute will be considered only (i) from a private/public/government institution to any other public/government institution or (ii) General administrative transfers in government or public funded institutions. Change of institute will not be considered for any other cases. Change of host institution can be undertaken only after obtaining due approval from SERB. The transfer of the fellowship along with balance grant and the assets to the new institute is allowed, provided the administrative authority of both institutes agree in writing. NOC from the previous host institute and Endorsement Form from the new host Institute must be sent to SERB through the online portal.

Q11: What is the procedure for surrenderingSRG project?

For termination of the project, PI need to inform the SERB through the host institution immediately. The implementing institute should not incur any expenditure from the date of termination of the project or the date of resignation of PI. The institute must also arrange for submission of relevant documents.

Q12: Can I be away from the implementing Institute when I am implementing the SRG project?

The PIs must seek the consent of SERB if he/she intends to be away from the implementing institute (except for field work related to the project) continuously for a period more than eight weeks.

Q13: What should be done for the unspent grant under SRG project after the completion of the tenure of the project?

The following documents should to be sent to the SERB after the duration of the project is completed:
Final Consolidated Statement of Expenditure (in duplicate), giving expenditure financial year wise (FY) from date of start till date of completion;

Utilization Certificates (FY wise) for all FYs (in duplicate) matching with Statement of Expenditure figures in that FY;

Project Completion Report (PCR) with list of publications, patents filed.
DD/ cheque for the unspent grant, drawn in favor of 'Fund for Science & Engineering Research' Principal Investigator is responsible for the timely submission of progress report, utilization certificate, project closure report (PCR), refund of unspent balance amount etc. at end or early closure of the project.

Mathematical Research Impact Centric Support (MATRICS)

Q1: What is the difference between Core Research Grant (CRG) and MATRICS Scheme?

While CRG is core grant scheme without limitations on budget, MATRICS offers a fixed grant of 2 lakh p.a. plus overheads. Expenditure for manpower and major equipments are not supported in this scheme. MATRICS Scheme is tailored for active mathematicians/theoreticians with a flexible but fixed budget. The proposal format is also simple which requires 1 - 2 page summary of the mathematical work to be carried out.

Q2: Can I apply for a project under MATRICS scheme when I am already implementing another project under CRG/ECR?

No, PIs with ongoing projects under CRG and other project grant schemes (except EMEQ) are not eligible for MATRICS support.

Q3: Can I have a Co-PI in the project?

Co-PI is not permitted under the scheme.

Q4: Can I apply for MATRICS scheme after my superannuation in academic institutions/national labs or any other recognized R&D institutions?

No.The applicant should have at least four years of service remaining before superannuation as on the date of submission of the proposal.

Q5: I am working as a post-doctoral researcher. Am I eligible to apply under the scheme?

No. The applicant should be working on regular basis in academic institutions/national labs or any other recognized R&D institutions.

Q6: Is there any specific time-line for applying proposals under this scheme?

Proposals under MATRICS scheme can be submitted only when the call for proposal is made. The call will be notified at and

Q7: Does SERB discriminate Project Investigators working in Private Universities/Institutions in funding?

No. SERB does not discriminate Project Investigators working in Private Universities/Institutions. Funding decisions are made based on merit of the proposal, competence of the Investigator(s), and the infrastructure available in the implementing institution, and not on the category of institutions the Investigator is working.

International Travel Support (ITS)

Q1: I was awarded ITS Support to attend an International Conference in Washington. But, I could not attend the conference due to a delay in getting Visa. Can I use the above travel support to attend another conference to be held in July 2023?

No. The support given for the specific event cannot be used to attend another. The Applicant should apply fresh to seek support for another event.

Q2: Do I need to A) book my air tickets with Air India only or any other specific airline and B) Who will provide the certificate for "Lowest Available Fare"?

There is no specific airline that needs to be preferred while making your travel reservations. The air tickets are to be booked in economy class at "Lowest Available Fare" on the date of booking. The tickets need to be purchased from any of the three government authorized agents viz. i) M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company Limited (BLCL) and ii) M/s Ashoka Travels and Tours(ATT) and (iii) Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC). Bookings through any other agency will not be considered for reimbursement. While booking your air tickets from any of the two authorized agents viz. i) M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company Limited (BLCL) and ii) M/s Ashoka Travels and Tours (ATT), request them to provide the required certificate. In case, tickets are booked through IRCTC it is mandatory to submit a screenshot of the related IRCTC webpage.

Q3: My event is from 10-19 September 2023 in Italy. I am planning to travel early on 07 September 2023 as per the flight availability. Should I mention my travel dates in event details instead of the event dates?

No, make sure to enter the actual event dates while applying for the grant. There is a separate option to enter your visit schedule which may vary as per the travel dates.

Q4: What precautions should I take while booking the tickets?

It is advised to book the air tickets only after the issuance of the visa and to keep the validity dates of the visa to avoid deboarding at the airport due to visa validity issues. Visa should be valid on the date when you are boarding the flight. Please make sure that you have all valid documents while booking the tickets.

Q5: I have availed of travel support earlier under this scheme and the three years have not been completed (one month is left) yet. I want to apply for another conference now. Am I eligible?

No. You should have completed three years. The duration of three years will be counted from the date of start of the last conference to the date of start of the conference which you intend to apply now.

Q6: What are the criteria for awarding travel support?

The ANRF (formerly SERB) receives a large number of applications under the ITS scheme. The selection is made based on many parameters. The most important of them is the academic track record of the applicant as evidenced by the list of publications in SCI journals during the last 5 years and also the importance of the conference. The Committee tries to accommodate candidates from different institutions and different categories (young researchers, women and senior researchers) within the available resources.

Q7: I have been invited by a Professor at MIT, USA to undergo training in his laboratory for 2 months to learn modern techniques. Such facilities are not available in our country, and this training will help immensely in furthering my research skills. Can I avail support to undergo this training?

No. The scientific event must be of an international character. Invitation of personal nature such as carrying out post-doctoral work, informal training programmes/courses, internship, observer-ship etc. will not be eligible for support.

Q8: I have been awarded travel support to attend an international conference in London. I plan to spend 2 months in the laboratory of a Professor at Cambridge University immediately after the conference is over. Can I use the travel support to further my research at Cambridge University?

No, you are expected to travel only to attend the event recommended by ANRF (formerly SERB) and come back. Post/pre conference stay of extended duration is not permitted under this scheme.

Q9: I have been recommended to attend a conference in Chicago, USA from 20-25 Feb 2024. I have also been invited to attend a 4-day training program in New York before the event. Can I also attend the training program in New York and then go to Chicago? Will ANRF (formerly SERB) reimburse the airfare from New York to Chicago?

No. ANRF (formerly SERB) will not reimburse the airfare from Chicago - New York. ANRF (formerly SERB) will only reimburse the economy class return airfare by the shortest route to Chicago.

Q10: I have been recommended for travel support to attend a conference in Sydney (Australia) from 20-25 June 2023. After the conference is over, a five-day short-term school is scheduled at the same venue. The organizers are charging a separate registration fee for the school. Will ANRF (formerly SERB) provide registration fees for both events?

No. You will be provided with a registration fee for the event recommended by ANRF (formerly SERB).

Q10a: My conference is in Toronto, Canada on 15-18 May 2023. I am already in Vancouver (Canada). I plan to travel from Vancouver to Toronto and then come back to India. Will my airfare be reimbursed?

Q11: My conference starts on June 5, 2023, and I have booked my tickets accordingly. Now I want to reschedule my journey and Airlines are asking for additional charges for rescheduling the tickets. Will ANRF (formerly SERB) provide additional charges?

No. ANRF (formerly SERB) will not provide any kind of additional charges paid by you for cancellation or rescheduling. Also, additional baggage charges collected by the airlines will not be considered for reimbursement. It is advised to book the tickets in advance to avoid escalation in the cost of airfare.

Q12: What, if I have provided incorrect/misleading information?

Application will be cancelled and given support will be withdrawn at any stage and no reimbursement will be made. The candidate will also be debarred for the next three years for availing of support under this scheme. No correspondence will be entertained in this matter. ANRF (formerly SERB) has all the rights to take any action in consultation with the applicant parent organization/university/institute etc.

Q13: Can I submit my application for travel support and further my travel claim offline?

No. ANRF (formerly SERB) accepts applications for travel support and travel claims through an online portal only. Additionally, ANRF requires hard copies of original boarding passes, visa fee receipt, best available fare certificate and other bills along with a printout of your online travel claim sheet sent by speed post to ANRF (formerly SERB) addressed to the ITS Section.

Q14: Can I submit my travel claim for reimbursement anytime?

No. You should submit a travel claim (through an online portal and hardcopies of original bills, lowest fare certificate and boarding passes) within 90 days of the last date of the event. Otherwise, your travel claim will not be reimbursed.

Q15: I have been recommended for travel support to attend a conference abroad but due to some reason, I could not attend the conference. Will ANRF (formerly SERB) reimburse my visa fee?

No. Reimbursement of visa fees is subject to attending the conference.

Q16: Does ANRF (formerly SERB) reimburse taxi fare, agent fee, and excess baggage charges?

No. ANRF (formerly SERB) does not reimburse taxi fares and excess baggage charges. In the case of agent fees, ANRF (formerly SERB) reimburses government recognized travel agents fees and VFS charges as applicable.

Q17: I have been awarded travel support to attend an international conference in United Kingdom. Shall I opt for priority visa to expedite the process?

No, ANRF (formerly SERB) will not reimburse any extra charges paid to the embassy for priority visa, express service, emergency visa, prime time appointment, premium lounge service etc.

Q18: As a young researcher, can I get the entire registration fee including abstract submission/dinner, tour, accommodation etc.?

No. The primary registration fee as per actual or Rs. 50,000/- whichever is less (excluding group meetings fee, abstract submission fee, gala/reception dinner, accommodation, tour etc.) will only be reimbursed.

Q19: Does ANRF (formerly SERB) provide support to researchers to attend conferences within India?

No, this scheme is to provide support to attend conferences and workshops outside India and anywhere in the world.

Q20: My event was postponed due to travel restrictions; Can I use the grant for later dates to attend the same event?

No, the grant can only be used for the approved dates based on your application.

Assistance to Professional Bodies & Seminars/Symposia

Q1: Who can apply for Seminar/Symposia scheme?

Any of the academic institutions, research laboratories, professional bodies and other non-profit organizations engaged in promoting and disseminating scientific research results in India to organize National or International Conference, Seminar, Workshop etc., are eligible for partial financial support under the scheme.

Q2: When the proposal/application can be submitted?

Application should be submitted online only not earlier than 180 Days and not later than 60 Days, before the start date of the event.

Q3: What documents should be submitted with the application?

  1. Certificate from the Convener Download Template
  2. Endorsement Letter from the Head of Institution. Download Template
  3. Announcement Brochure.
  4. Technical Program with session Wise details and name of session chair/co-chair.
  5. List of Keynote Speakers. Download Template
  1. Local Chapters of the Society if not registered separately should submit their application only through their registered body. (Grants, if approved, will be released only in favor of main Society).
  2. Registration Certificate of Society.
  3. Memorandum of Association & Byelaws.
  4. Audited Statement of Accounts of the Society for previous three years.
  5. Latest Annual Report along with society elected members list.
  6. Audited Income & Expenditure Statement and Utilization Certificates in respect of the grants received from SERB during previous three financial years.
  7. NGO Darpan Portal Proof Document (For more information, please visit
  8. Affidavit (Bond) on Rs. 100/- stamp. Download Template
  1. Letter of Affiliation/recognition thus obtained from regulatory bodies vis., UGC, AICTE, Central/State Universities;
  2. A Resolution passed by the Governing Council thereby authorizing the Head of the Institution to receive the financial assistance from SERB.
  3. Audited Income & Expenditure Statement and Utilization Certificates in respects of the grants received under this scheme during previous three financial years.
  4. NGO Darpan Portal Proof Document (For more information, please visit
  5. Affidavit (Bond) on Rs. 100/- stamp. Download Template

Q4: Under which heads the support is provided?

  1. Domestic Travel for Young and Senior Scientists (Indian Only)
  2. Contingencies (Stationary items, Working Tea / Lunch, Audio-Visuals etc.)
  3. Pre-Conference Printing (Announcements, abstracts etc.)

Q5: Can I get full support to organize the event?

No, only partial support is provided. Organizations should indicate the details of any support expected from other agencies, including host institute.

Q6: Can I pay TA/DA for International experts/participants?

No, the support is only meant for the participation of Indian scientists.

Q7: Can I get the remittance in favor of convener / organising events account name?

No, the grants-in- aid can only be released in favor of Head of the Institution (in case of the Central/State Institutions, Laboratories, Universities & Colleges) OR President/Secretary (in case of the registered Societies) as per RTGS.

Q8: Can I get the support for organizing the event outside India?

No, the support is available for organizing the event within the country.

Q9: Can the event be organized under collaboration of any other institutes/organization?

Yes, the event can be organized jointly with any other institute(s)/organization(s).

Q10: What is Darpan Portal Proof Document?

As per the directive of Government of India, an NGO i.e. Society / private College including Private Medical & Engineering College / Trust / Entity etc. should be registered on "NGO Darpan Portal", URL- and must have the "Unique Id" provided by the NGO Darpan Portal. Therefore an NGO / Society / Trust is required to provide the Unique Id proof of their corresponding organization to SERB along with application for support to organize a specific event of societal importance.

Q11: How many applications can I apply at a time?

An applicant / a convener can submit only one application at a time.

Q12: How many applications can I apply within a Financial Year?

An applicant / a convener can submit only two applications, if the first one is not recommended then only the second one may be submitted within a Financial Year. If both applications are not recommended, still the applicant cannot submit the new application within that Financial Year.

Q13: If one application is recommended / ongoing with the scheme, can I submit other application(s) for new event(s)?

No, one cannot submit a fresh application without closure of the approved / ongoing application(s) / file(s).

State University Research Excellence (SERB-SURE)

Q1: If the PI has a SERB-funded Project as a Co-PI, can he/she apply for the SERB-SURE scheme?

Researchers being part of another project as Co-PIs, can apply for the SERB-SURE scheme as a PI.

Q2: Who can apply for SERB-SURE? What are the eligibility criteria for availing of the SERB-SURE?

The applicant should hold PhD/M.D/M.S/M.D.S/MVSc. degree. The applicant must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution.

Q3: What subject area SERB-SURE scheme will fund?

This scheme covers all areas of Science, Technology, Mathematics, Engineering, Life Science and Quantitative Social Science.

Q4: Where from I can get the required documents ie., Certificate from Investigator(s), Endorsement from the Head of the Institute and Plagiarism undertaking?

You can download these formats through the portal under Core Research Grant (CRG) format only.

Q5: What does the term “regular” imply?

The term “Regular” in the context of this scheme refers to the applicants who are appointed against the sanctioned post or in a tenure post but are likely to be renewed after the end of the tenure.
Not Eligible: Research Associates, Guest Faculty, Visiting Scientist, Project Fellows, Faculty members whose contract is renewed every year; and those who are on temporary capacity are not eligible. (In cases where it is not covered in any of the above, SERB has the right to determine the eligibility).

Q6: Are Ramanujan, INSPIRE Faculty, Ramalingaswami Fellows and UGC Faculty Recharge fellows eligible to apply for the SERB-SURE scheme?

Faculties recruited through UGC-Faculty Recharge Program, INSPIRE Faculty, Ramanujan and Ramalingaswamy Fellows are also eligible to apply provided they have at least three and half years of tenure remaining at the time of submission of application.

Q7: PI want to apply for a SERB-SURE scheme for the first time. What is the maximum amount of the grant the Board will fund?

SERB-SURE is a one-time grant and carries a maximum research grant of Rs.30 lakhs for a period of three years. The research grant covers minor equipment, research personnel, consumables, travel, contingency, other costs (analytical charges, equipment user charges, fieldwork charges, etc.,) and overhead.

Q8: Does the Board have any priority areas for funding under the SERB-SURE scheme?

No. The Board funds all the areas of Science, Engineering, and quantitative social sciences without discriminating between disciplines. The proposal will be funded if it has novelty and the investigator has the competence to execute the project.

Q9: PI has an ongoing CRG project in the area of Chemical Sciences and want to apply for the SERB-SURE scheme. Will PI be funded for another project?

No. The applicant should not have any ongoing or completed R&D project sanctioned by SERB except those scientists who received grants only under NPDF/ITS/Seminar & Symposia.

Q10: Are Co-Investigators allowed in the SERB-SURE scheme?

Co-Investigator is not mandatory in this scheme. However, in the case where the PI will be superannuating during the duration of the project a Co-PI from the same host Institute with at least 5 years of service remaining, should be included in the proposal. In other cases, if required by PI, he/she may include a Co-PI in the proposal. However, the Co-PI is not eligible for taking any research grant from the sanctioned project.

Q11: Is a Co-PI from Centrally funded institutions allowed under this scheme?

Yes, but no funding will be given to the Co-PI.

Q12: I have completed one project sanctioned by SERB as a Co-PI. Will I be eligible for this SERB-SURE scheme?

Yes, you are eligible to apply to this scheme as a PI.

Q13: What is the duration of the SERB-SURE project? Can it be extended?

SERB-SURE project period is of 3 years. Extension of the project period is not encouraged. Only in very rare and exceptional cases, depending on the necessity and progress of the project, the no-cost extension will be considered. Such a period of extension will be limited to a maximum of one year.

Q14: When should PI apply for the SERB-SURE scheme? Can PI apply for the project throughout the year?

An applicant is eligible to submit only one proposal during a call. The call for applications will be notified through the websites and

Q15: I have already submitted one application under CRG/SRG/SUPRA etc. in this calendar year 2022, can I submit a proposal under the SERB-SURE scheme?

Yes, you can submit a proposal.

Q16: Is State/Private funded labs eligible for the SERB-SURE scheme?

No, only academic Institutions are eligible under this scheme.

Q17: What documents should I send to receive the grant's next instalments?

The PIs should upload annual Progress Reports and financial statements (UC / SE) at the end of each financial year. The release of the next instalment of the grant will be considered only after the submission of (a) Financial year-wise Utilization Certificate (separately for recurring & Non-recurring) and Statement of Expenditure and (b) Annual Progress Report through the SERB online portal.

Q18: If PI intend to change its Host Institution? What procedure should be followed?

Change of host institute will be considered from a private/state government university/college to any other state government university/college only. Change of host institution can be undertaken only after obtaining due approval from SERB. The transfer of the project along with the balance grant and the assets to the new institute is allowed, provided the administrative authority of both institutes agrees in writing. NOC from the previous host institute and Endorsement Form from the new host Institute must be sent to SERB through the online portal.

Q19: What is the procedure for surrendering the SERB-SURE project?

For termination of the project, PI need to inform the SERB through the host institution immediately. The implementing institute should not incur any expenditure from the project's termination date or the PI's resignation date. The institute must also arrange for the submission of relevant documents and refund of the unspent balance along with the interest amount to SERB.

Q20: Can PI be away from the implementing Institute when he/she has implemented the SERB-SURE project?

The PI must seek the consent of SERB if he/she intends to be away from the implementing institute (except for field work related to the project) continuously for a period of more than eight weeks.

Q21: What should be done for the unspent grant under the SERB-SURE project after the completion of the tenure of the project?

  1. Final Consolidated Statement of Expenditure (SE), giving expenditure financial year wise (FY) from date of start till the date of completion.
  2. Utilization Certificates (UC) for all FYs (separately for recurring & non-recurring) matching with Statement of Expenditure figures in that FY.
  3. Project Completion Report (PCR) with the list of publications, and patents filed.
  4. DD/ cheque for the unspent grant, drawn in favour of “Fund for Science & Engineering Research”.

J C Bose National Fellowship

Q1: For whom the J.C. Bose Fellowship is meant for?

The J.C. Bose Fellowship is meant to recognize active scientists for their outstanding performance. The fellowship is scientist-specific and very selective.

Q2: What are the eligibility criteria for applying/availing J.C. Bose Fellowship?

  1. Should be an active scientist with a record of outstanding performance apparent from the award of SS Bhatnagar prize and or fellowship of science academies (including engineering, agriculture and medicine).
  2. The scientist should be in service at the time of nomination to this fellowship.
  3. The nominee should be an Indian national working in institutions in India. The nominee is not availing any other fellowship including personal fellowship amount and research grant (part of the fellowship) from any Government sources.
  4. However, any financial award conferred on the recipient by way of one-time payment or of recurring nature purely in recognition of his/her past accomplishments and without any explicit obligation in future will not violate his/her eligibility for the J C Bose Fellowship. Similarly, he / she will be free to receive any other regular research grant(s) available from various sources in project mode.

Q3: What are the areas covered under J.C. Bose Fellowship?

All Areas of Science (in the broadest terms) are covered by this Fellowship.

Q4: What is the nature of support for the J.C. Bose Fellow?

The J.C. Bose Fellow will receive personnel Fellowship of Rs.25,000/- per month and a Research Grant of Rs.15.00 Lakh per annum. Rs.1.00 Lakh is provided as Overheads for the host institute.

Q5: What is the upper age limit up to which the J C Bose fellowship can be availed?

Q6. Can the JC Bose fellow continue the fellowship after superannuation?

The JC Bose fellowship can be continued after superannuation provided a host institution is willing to accept the fellowship and provide all necessary infrastructure and administrative support.

Q7: When can a person apply for the J.C. Bose Fellowship? What is the last date of acceptance of the application?

The nominations for the J.C. Bose Fellowship are accepted throughout the year through online only( and there is no last date of acceptance of the nomination.

Q8: Who can nominate for J C Bose Fellows?

Heads of Institutions, JC Bose fellows, Presidents of Science Academies can send the nominations.

Q9: What is the duration of the J.C. Bose Fellowship?

The J.C. Bose Fellowship duration is 5 years.

Q10: How/When can the individual start her/his J.C. Bose Fellowship?

A letter is sent by the Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) to the Individual as well as to the host Institute informing the award of J.C. Bose Fellowship. On receipt of this offer letter, the Individual has to send acceptance letter indicating the month when she/he wants to start the Fellowship, and then the Institute will forward the Undertaking certificate from the host institution(available in the website) and acceptance letter to SERB. Based on this letter, the Board will process for necessary approvals and a Sanction Order will be issued to the host institute (and a copy to the J.C. Bose Fellow). When the grant money is received at the host institute, the J.C. Bose Fellow can start her/ his Fellowship.

Q11: How does a J.C. Bose Fellow get her/his subsequent Grant?

The Grant for the subsequent years is released after receiving the two hard copies of Statement of Expenditure (SE) and Utilization Certificate (UC)in the prescribed format (available in the website). The SE and UC are to be submitted financial year wise i.e. from 01stApril to 31stMarch. For the first year it would be from the Date of Start (DOS) to 31stMarch and subsequently from 01stApril to 31stMarch.

Q12: Is the personal fellowship received in J.C. Bose Fellowship scheme taxable?

Yes, it is taxable.

Q13: Can a fellow change the host institute during implementation of J.C. Bose Fellowship?

A J C Bose fellow can change the host institute during implementation of J.C. Bose Fellowship. She/He has to forward NOCs from both the Institutes along with final financial papers indicating balance unspent grant from the old institute, undertaking certificate and appointment letter from the new Institute indicating the joining date and duration of the appointment.

Q14: What are the guidelines for the fellows availing of the JC Bose fellowship along with any other fellowship?

JC Bose fellows can avail only one fellowship including personal fellowship amount and research grant (part of the fellowship) only from one Government source. However, they are not allowed to avail any other fellowship of a similar kind from any Government source. Any misinformation in this regard may lead to full recovery of J C Bose fellowship with penal interest from the fellow.

Q15: Is there a provision for extension of the fellowship?

(a) The fellowship can be renewed for a period of 5 years after rigorous assessment of research performance of the fellow during the tenure of the fellowship. The fellows will be required to submit a document highlighting the research work done during the previous 5 years, with complete list of publications/patents, and manpower trained during the tenure of the fellowship in the prescribed format (available at the website). The criteria for renewal will be based on research performance. Any other accomplishment such as occupying leadership position will not be counted as factors.

(b) Minimum exit of 25% of the fellows will be enforced while giving the extension of the fellowship.

Q16: Is there a flexibility to utilize the research grant available from the J C Bose fellowship?

There is complete flexibility in using the research grant of Rs. 15.00 lakh. Funds under this "Research Grant" head (Rs. 15.0 Lakh) can be utilized for hiring of manpower, consumables, national travel for self, students, other research staff, visiting scientists and international travel and per diem per year for self for research purposes, chemicals, equipment items, other unforeseen contingencies, repair of equipments, books and journals, etc. and any other research and academic activity, subject to the ceiling of sanctioned Research Grant budget head.

Ramanujan Fellowship

Q1: Is the grants received under Ramanujan Fellowship taxable?

Yes, the Grant received under Ramanujan Fellowship is taxable as per I.T. rules.

Q2: To whom the Ramanujan Fellowship is meant for or what is the aim of initiating the Ramanujan Fellowship?

The Ramanujan Fellowship is meant for brilliant Indian scientists and engineers from all over the world to take up scientific positions in India and who want to return to India from abroad. The Fellowship is scientist-specific and very selective.

Q3: How can a person apply for the Ramanujan Fellowship?

Individual Scientists and Technologists should approach the Institutions of his/her choice for hosting them for the fellowship and host Institute should submit their nominations to SERB for the fellowship through serb online portal.

Q4: What are the areas covered under Ramanujan Fellowship?

All Areas of Science (in the broadest terms) are covered by this Fellowship.

Q5: Which are the institutes and universities where the Ramanujan Fellow can work?

The Ramanujan Fellows can work in any of the scientific institutions and universities in the country other than the institute where he/she has obtained his/her doctorate degree.

Q6: Is Ramanujan fellow eligible to apply for Core Research grant proposal?

Yes, Ramanujan fellows are eligible to apply for Core Research grant proposal.

Q7: What are the eligibility criteria for applying for Ramanujan Fellowship?

Q8: What is the duration of the Ramanujan Fellowship?

The Ramanujan Fellowship duration is for 5 years only.

Q9: How/When can the individual start his Ramanujan Fellowship?

A letter is sent by the Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) to the Individual as well as to the host Institute informing the award of Ramanujan Fellowship. After this the Individual has to join the fellowship within six months of the date of awardletter and to send his / her Acceptance Letter to the Host Institute, indicating the tentative month when he wants to start the Fellowship, and then the Institute will forward his Acceptance Letter to Science &Engineering Research Board along with the details of the bank for transfer of fund through RTGS(in the prescribed format). Based on this letter SERB will process the case for getting administrative and financial approvals and then a Sanction Order is issued to the Host Institute (marking a copy to the Ramanujan Fellow) and a copy to the Drawing and Disbursing Officer, SERB for disbursing the grant under Ramanujan Fellowship. Date of start of the fellowship will be the date on which grant is received by host institute.

Q10: What is the nature of support the Ramanujan Fellow is entitled for?

For Fellows who will be availing the Ramanujan fellowship after 31.12.2018, the revised funding pattern of Ramanujan fellows is as follows:

i) Ramanujan Fellow is entitled for a Fellowship of Rs.1,35,000/- consolidated per month(including HRA component)

ii) The fellowship will carry a research grant of Rs.7.00 Lakh per annum. and overhead charges of Rs.60,000/- to the host institute until the fellow is not having any position in India. and overhead charges of Rs.60,000/- to the host institute until the fellow is not having any position in India.

iii) In case the selected fellow gets any position such as permanent, tenure track or contractual position, he/she, will become in-eligible for receiving fellowship including research grant and overhead under the fellowship and has to relinquish the Ramanujan fellowship in total.

iv) For fellows who have already started availing this fellowship on or before 31.12.2018,(viz. sanction order of SERB issued on or before 31.12.2018) such fellows on acquiring a job(permanent, tenure track or contractual position) will be allowed to draw the research grant and overhead charges as indicated at (ii) above. Only the fellowship component will be discontinued as indicated by (i) above.

The above-said fellowship components (i) & (ii) will be payable to only those awardees till such time they do not hold any position viz. permanent, tenure track or contractual position. In case the selected fellow gets any position such as permanent, tenure track or contractual position, after issue of these modified guidelines he/she, will become in-eligible for receiving grant under the fellowship and has to relinquish the Ramanujan fellowship in total as indicated above (i) & (ii).

For fellows who have already started availing this fellowship on or before 31.12.2018,(viz. sanction order of SERB issued on or before 31.12.2018) such fellows on acquiring a job(permanent, tenure track or contractual position) will be allowed to draw the research grant and overhead charges as indicated at (ii) above. Only the fellowship component will be discontinued as indicated by (i) above.

Q11: What is the emoluments under Ramanujan Fellowship for HRA?

SERB gives only consolidated fellowship of Rs.1,35,000/- p.m (including HRA component) per month

Q12: Can a person avail grants under Ramanujan Fellowship and Salary from the Institute at the same time?

No, A person can opt either to avail his/ her salary from the Institute or Fellowship amount under Ramanujan Fellowship and it is applicable to the fellows those who have started the fellowship on or before 31.12.2018(after the issuance of the sanction order on or before 31.12.2018 as per terms and conditions of latest O.M. dated 01-01-2019).

Fellows who get a permanent position after 31.12.2018 (issuance of sanction order happened after 31.12.2018), will relinquish the Ramanujan fellowship in total in case they get salary from institute on getting permanent, tenure track or on contractual basis.

Q13: Can a fellow change the host institute after getting Ramanujan Fellowship?

(i) Yes, in case the Ramanujan fellow who is availing fellowship (first sanction order issued on or before 31.12.2018), such fellows on acquiring a permanent job at other institute, will be allowed to transfer the fellowship and he can draw only research grant and overhead charges. The fellow should intimate to SERB about his permanent position immediately subsequently he can request for approval for change of host institute at a new institute within one month of shifting to new institute by submitting NOCs from both institution and appointment letter with detailed terms of references/conditions and the F.Y papers till the last date of working at earlier institute. The same is applicable for those fellows who want to transfer their fellowship to other Institute but without getting a permanent position.

(ii) However, if a Ramanujan Fellow who is availing the fellowship (first sanction order issued after 31.12.2018), gets a permanent, tenure track or contractual position at other institute, then he/she will not be eligible to receive the Ramanujan grant.

Q14: How many times a person can avail International Travel per year in the Ramanujan Fellowship?

A person can avail one International Travel per year under Ramanujan Fellowship.

Q15: How does a Ramanujan Fellow get his subsequent Grant?

The Grant for the subsequent year are released only after receiving the Statement of Expenditure (SE) and Utilization Certificate (UC) in the prescribed format (available in the website). The SE and UC are financial year wise i.e. from 01st April to 31st March. For the first year it would be from the Date of Start (DOS) to 31st March and subsequently from 01st April to 31st March. In addition, a work report of for that FY is also required.

Q16: What payments can be made to the project staffs employed for Ramanujan fellow under Research grant?

The project staff can be paid as per the SERB order issued time to time. Latest orders are available at SERB website.

Q17: Can an Indian scientist/engineer working in India under a permanent/temporary position be nominated by the institute for Ramanujan Fellowship?

No, Ramanujan Fellowship is meant for reverse brain drain i.e. inviting brilliant Indian scientists and engineers who want to return to India from abroad to take up scientific positions in India.

Q18: What is the time duration for selected candidates to join the host institute as a Ramanujan fellow?

The selected candidates must join their host institute within 6 months from the issue of the Ramanujan Fellowship Award letter, else the award will be cancelled automatically.

Q19: Can an Institute nominate an employ having temporary employment in India?

No, Institute can nominate Indian scientist for Ramanujan Fellowship only from outside India, having no position or employment in India.

Q20: From where a candidate can get himself nominated from?

1. Candidate can choose to work at any S&T institution including University/ department or other academic institutions and national R&D laboratories in India other than the institute where he/she obtained his/her doctorate degree, provided the institution where they wish to pursue research is willing to provide the necessary R&D, administrative and basic infrastructural support to facilitate research.

2. The nomination has to be filled by the host Institution, by the head of organisation/ university/ institute or an authorized academic personnel of the institute/ organisation/ university.

3. Selection will be made by Search cum Selection Committee specially appointed for the purpose.

Q21: What is the role of SERB in supporting Ramanujan Fellows?

1. SERB would release fellowship grant of Rs.1,35,000/- per month(including HRA component) per month and Research grant of Rs.7,00,000/- p.a and overheads of Rs.60,000/- p.a. financial year wise, limited only to 60 months from the date of commencement.

2. Grant for subsequent years would be released based on the scientific review of the work done, submission of SE & UC and annual progress report.

3. During the tenure of the fellowship the awardee is not entitled to any kind of salary. However, he/she can apply for research grant to various funding agencies through their host institute. The information on the details of projects applied/sanctioned by the agencies may be made available to SERB from time-to-time.

4. SERB may be kept informed about IPR issues and technology/product/process developed/commercialized, if any, during the tenure of the fellowship.

5. SERB reserves the right to discontinue this fellowship at any stage and change the terms & conditions of the fellowship.

Q22: What is the entitlement of Ramanujan fellow in the host institute?

The SERB recommended Ramanujan fellow is equivalent to Scientist-D/Assistant Professor for the TA/DA etc.

Q23: Can a Ramanujan Fellow entitled to guide/supervise the M.Phil/Ph.D Scholars?

SERB encourages Ramanujan fellow to get guideship at their respective host institute based on the applicant research experience, so then they can supervise M.Phil/Ph.D scholars which will help them in their academic career development.

National Post Doctoral Fellowship

Q1: Who can apply for NPDF? What are the eligibility criteria for availing the post-doctoral fellowship?

The applicant should hold Ph.D. degree in Science or Engineering or M.D or M.S degree in any area of medicine. Those who have submitted their PhD/M. D/M. S thesis and are awaiting award of the degree are also eligible to apply.

Applicants should have an outstanding track record as evident from the quality of the research outputs and publications. The selection will be based on the recommendations of an Expert Committee.

Q2: What is the age limit for availing NPDF?

The upper age limit for the fellowship is 35 years at the time of the submission of application. Age relaxation of 5 (five) years will be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically Challenged & Women candidates.

Q3: What is the amount of fellowship?Is my fellowship taxable? Is the fellowship tenable outside India?

The Fellowship amount for NPDF is Rs. 55,000/- per month. For those who have submitted their Ph.D. degree, Rs. 35,000/- per month will be offered till they are awarded the eligible degree. The fellowship is taxable under the Income Tax rules of India.

The fellowship is tenable only in India and can be implemented in any of the recognized academic institutions, national laboratories and other recognized R & D institutions. The host institution should provide necessary administrative and infrastructural support.

Q4: What is the tenure of the NPDF? Can it be extended?

The fellowship is purely a temporary assignment, and is tenable initially for a period of 2 years.

Q5: Can I avail the NPDF from the same institution from where I have obtained the Ph. D. degree? Can I avail other fellowship grants?

The fellowship is generally not availed at the same institution where one hasobtained or worked for the PhD/M.S/M.D degree. Also, the fellowship cannot be availed with the doctoral thesis supervisor or co-supervisoras a mentor.

The fellows are not eligible to receive fellowship/salaryfrom any other Government or Non-Governmental source during the tenure of the SERB National Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

Q6: What is the nature of support in NPDF scheme?

National Post-Doctoral Fellow will be entitled to receive grants under the following budget heads.
Sl. No. Budget Head Amount
1 Fellowship Rs. 55,000/- p.m. + HRA
(Rs. 35,000/ p.m. + HRA for candidates who have submitted the thesis but degree not yet awarded)
2 Research Grant Rs. 2,00,000/- per annum
3 Overheads Rs. 1,00,000/- per annum

Q7: When should I apply for NPDF? Can I apply for the National Post-Doctoral Fellowship (N- PDF) projects throughout the year?

The applicant must first identify the host institution and a suitable Mentor in the host institution under which the proposed research objectives will be pursued.

The call for applications for SERB- NPDF will be notified through the website and Usually one month window will be provided to submit the application along with other documents. All applications should be submitted through the SERB online portal

Q8: Who is eligible to be a Mentor? Can my Ph.D. supervisor or co-supervisor act as a mentor?

The Mentor should hold a regular academic or research position in the host institution. The fellowship cannot be availed with the doctoral thesis supervisor or co-supervisoras a mentor.

Q9: How should I apply for NPDF? What documents should I submit?

Q10: When will I be informed of my selection?

The selection process on an average takes at least two months from the last date of submission of the applications. All selected candidates shall receive an Email notification through the SERB online portal, who are then required to download the offer letter.

Q11: Is there any break up available for the NPDF research grant?

Flexibility is provided to the Fellow and theMentor for utilising the Research Grant as per the needs of the research work. Generally, the Research grant can be used for purchasing minor equipment, consumables and contingencies. The grant can also be utilised for travel in India for attending workshops/conferences and other research related activities. In this regard, the host institution’s norms shall apply for TA/DA.

Q12: Can I recruit a manpower under this scheme?

There is no provision for providing manpower under this scheme. The Fellow is expected to undertake research himself/herself during the entire duration of the fellowship.

Q13: I have received my fellowship for the first year. What documents should I send to receive my scholarship for the second year?

The Fellows shoulduploadannual Progress Report and financial statementsat the end of each financial year. The release of the next instalment of the grant will be considered only after submission of (a) Proper Utilization Certificate and Statement of Expenditure, financial year wise and (b) Annual Progress Report through the SERB online portal.

Q14: I intend to change my Mentor/Host Institution? What procedure should I follow?

Change of Mentor/Host Institution is generally discouraged and can be allowed only in exceptional cases.

Change of Host Institution shall be undertaken only after obtaining due approval from SERB. The new host institute in any case should not be the institution from which the applicant has worked for his Ph.D. or obtained his Ph.D. degree.

The transfer of the fellowship along with balance grant and the assets to the new institute is allowed, provided the administrative authority of both institutes agree in writing. NOC from the previous host institute and Endorsement Form from the new host Institute &new Mentor must be sent to SERB through the online portal.

Q15: I wish to resign as NPDF? What documents must I send to SERB?

If the one wishes to terminate the fellowship and leave the institute, he/she shall inform the SERB through the host institution immediately. The implementing institute should not incur any expenditure from the date of termination of the project or the date of resignation of fellow.

Q16: What are the rules for availing leave?

The NPDF is entitled to leaves as per norms of the host institution. Participation in scientific workshops held in India or abroad will betreated as on duty. Maternityleave, as per the Govt. of India instructions issued from time to time, would be available to femalecandidates in all categories.

Q17: Is SERB terminate NPDF fellowship?

SERB reserves the right to terminate the Fellowship at any stage if it is convinced that appropriate progress is not being made or the grant has not been utilized properly.

Q18: Can I be away from the implementing Institute when I am working as National Post-Doctoral Fellow?

The fellows must seek the consent of SERB if he/she intends to be away from the implementing institute (except for field work related to the project) continuously for a period more than eight weeks.

Q19: What should be done for the unspent grant under National Post-Doctoral Fellowship (N- PDF) after the completion of the tenure of the fellowship?

SERB POWER Fellowship

Q1. Who is eligible for SERB Power Fellowship?

  1. Outstanding women researchers and innovators working in Indian academic institutions and R&D laboratories, holding Ph.D. degree in any branch of science and engineering.
  2. The nominee should be an active scientist with an excellent record of research performance as an independent investigator or innovator.
  3. The nominee should be in regular service throughout the duration of Fellowship.

Q2: Is there any age limit for PI to be eligible for the award?

PI should be within 35-55 years at the time of submission of nomination.

Q3: I am already availing another Fellowship. Am I eligible for SERB Power Fellowship?

No, you can avail only one fellowship at a time from government source.

Q4: Is the Fellowship received under SERB Power Fellowship taxable?

Yes, the Fellowship received under SERB Power Fellowship is taxable.

Q5: What are the areas covered under SERB Power Fellowship?

All Areas of Science & Engineering are covered by this Fellowship.

Q6: What is the nature of support the SERB Power Fellow is entitled for?

  1. Fellowship of Rs. 15,000/- per month in addition to regular income.
  2. Research grant of Rs. 10 lakhs per annum.
  3. Overhead for the institute.

Q7: What is the duration of the SERB Power Fellowship?

The SERB Power Fellowship duration is for 3 years only, without any possibility of extension.

Q8: How many times a person can avail SERB Power Fellowship?

A person can avail SERB Power Fellowship only once. Successful POWER Fellows cannot be nominated for a second time.

Q9: When can a person apply for the SERB Power Fellowship? What is the last date of acceptance of the application?

The nominations for the SERB Power Fellowship are accepted throughout the year through online portal only( and there is no last date of acceptance of the nomination.

Q10: Who can nominate for SERB Power Fellowship?

Heads of Institutions or Fellows of National academies can send the nominations.

Q11: How does a SERB Power Fellow get her subsequent Grant?

The Grant for the subsequent years is released after receiving Statement of Expenditure (SE) and Utilization Certificate (UC)in the prescribed format (available on the website). The SE and UC are to be submitted financial year wise i.e., from 01stApril to 31stMarch. For the first year it would be from the Date of Start (DOS) to 31stMarch and subsequently from 01stApril to 31stMarch.

Q12: Can a fellow change the host institute during implementation of SERB Power Fellowship?

A SERB Power fellow can change the host institute during implementation of SERB Power Fellowship. She has to forward NOCs from both the Institutes along with final financial papers indicating balance unspent grant from the old institute, undertaking certificate and appointment letter from the new Institute indicating the joining date and duration of the appointment.

Q13: Is there a provision for extension of the fellowship?

No, there is no provision for extension.

Q14: Can a fellow avail both POWER Fellowship and POWER Grant at the same time?

No, women scientist cannot hold both POWER Fellowship and POWER Grant at the same time.

Q15: What is the selection criteria of POWER Fellowship?

Selection of POWER Fellows will be made twice a year by a specially constituted Search-cum-Selection Committee.

Q16: Under which heads research grant can be used?

Research Grant of Rs. 10 lakh per annum can be used for minor equipment, manpower, consumables, contingencies, and domestic travel.

Q17: What is the procedure to apply for a SERB Power Fellowship?

In first step, an applicant will fill the application form on online portal. After submission of the form, a mail containing a link will be sent to the nominator by SERB. In second step, nominator will click on the link as provided in the mail to find the details of the application. After verification of the details, he/she will forward the nomination to SERB.

Q18: Can SERB POWER Fellowship research grant be used for international travel?

No, SERB POWER Fellowship research grant cannot be used for international travel.

Q19: I am away from my institute/university for more than 6 weeks. Do I have to take permission from SERB?

Yes, you have to take permission from SERB.

SERB Women Excellence Award

Q1: I have received many awards but not from the National Academies (NSAI, IASc, INSA, INAES, NAAS, NAMS). Am I eligible to apply for SERB Women Excellence Award / SERB Women Scientist?

No. Women scientists below 40 years of age who have received recognition such as Young Scientist Medal, Young Associate etc., from any one or more of the national academies (NSAI, IASc, INSA, INAES, NAAS, NAMS) only would be considered for SERB Women Excellence Award.

Teachers Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE)

Q1: I am having a DST funded Project as a Co-PI, can I apply for TARE scheme?

Researchers being part of another project as Co-PIs, can apply.

Q2: In case of selection, is it mandatory to divide the funding and share 50% each to host and parent institutions? Can it be given to only host institution?

Yes. Research fellowship of Rs. 60,000/- per year (in addition to the researcher's own salary) will be provided subject to completion of minimum 90 days research work per year in the host institution. Research grant of Rs. 5 lakhs per annum (50% each to host and parent institution) and overheads will be provided.

Q3: What kind of management responsibilities does the parent institution get?

Parent institute must undertake all project implementation related work including purchase, preparation of UC/ES, relieving PI for research work in the host institute, etc. as of any other funded projects.

Q4: Clarification on the term "Research work". whether it refers to fresh research work only or ongoing research work without any external grant or fund?

Fresh and ongoing research work not supported by any externally funded individual centric projects.

Q5: Can I choose Panjab University as Host institution for TARE because Panjab University is not a central university nor state university?

Only central institutes / national research labs and Central Universities are eligible as host institute.

Q6. I want to understand the meaning of clause "The applicant(s) must hold a regular academic / research position in State Universities/ Colleges and private Academic Institution"?

The term "Regular" in the context of SERB refers to the applicants who are appointed against the sanctioned post or in a tenure post but are likely to be renewed after the end of the tenure.
[Note: Research Associates, Ad-hoc faculties, Guest Faculty, Visiting Scientist, consultant, Project Fellows and Faculty members whose contract is renewed every year are not eligible.] (In cases where it is not covered in any of the above, SERB has the right to determine the eligibility)

Q7: Working day: 90 days attendance should include host institute working days attendance only or 90 days working in host institute during institutes working days, summer vacation, winter vacation, public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays?

90 days working in host institute includes, working days, summer vacation, winter vacation, public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays, provided host institute allows to work and issue attendance certificate by the end of the year.

Q8: Is there any limit on how old institute is affiliated for Eg.10 year, 20 year or so?

Age of the institute will not be considered, as long as it is affiliated by UGC / AICTE / MCI or other competent organizations of Government of India / State Governments.

Q9: What is the maximum distance between parent and host institute?

Distance is not fixed, you need to justify the reasons for selection of institute whatso ever the distance, which will be evaluated by the committee. PI are advised to find the expertise/mentor nearer to their parent institute. Preference may be given to the candidates proposing host institute nearer to parent institute.

Q10: How many candidates can a mentor can guide?

A mentor can forward any number of applications, but only one candidate will be allowed to work with a mentor depending up on the merit of the proposal.

Q11: How many applications can an institute forward?

There are no fixed numbers.

Q12: Is the mentor and applicant subject areas should match exactly?

The basic concept of this project itself is to execute the project in collaborative mode where the expertise of the mentor should be useful in executing the project work of the applicant. Accordingly, the expertise of mentor and applicant should fulfil the requirements of the proposed project work.

Q13: Can I get age relaxation, over and above the relaxation given in the program for filing the application?

The upper age limit for the award is 45 years at the time of the submission of application. Age relaxation of 5 (five) years will be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically Challenged & Women candidates.

Q14: Is 90 days attendance compulsory requirement to get the fellowship money sanctioned? Can project be granted without the fellowship component?

The basic concept of this project itself is to execute the project in collaborative mode where the applicant should work with the mentor and get trained at higher level. For which the minimum attendance period of 90 days is mandatory and hence the proposals without fellowship component will not be considered.

Q15: If the applicant goes to the host institution less than 90 days/year and does not get the scholarship money of Rs. 60,000/year whether he/she will be eligible to get the project money?

It is mandatory to fulfil the minimum 90 days research work per year in the host institution.

Q16: I have completed my M.Tech. and continuing my Ph.D. Can I apply for TARE project?

No as per revised eligibility guidelines, only candidates holding Ph.D. degree in Science / Engineering or MS / MD in Medicine are eligible to apply.

Q17: Can my Ph.D. supervisor be a mentor for TARE project?

NO, however candidates are allowed to work with a different mentor from the same institute where Ph.D. degree was awarded.

Q18: Is only researcher having ongoing project with DST / SERB not eligible for apply or any ongoing projects.

Researchers having any funded projects are not eligible to apply.

Q19: Can I apply from any other Central institutes other than mentioned in the TARE scheme? Eg.Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET), Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology?

You can apply for any Central institutions having relevant R&D infrastructure.

Q20: Whether applications from the regions where very limited Central institutes are available will be given with privilege or not?

Selection for TARE scheme will be purely competitive mode based on the scientific merit of the proposal.

Q21: Any clauses that bound for publication of research work findings in conferences / journals?

No, but PI are expected to bring out joint publications with the mentor from the results emanated out of this project and is mandatory to acknowledge SERB funding for the research work.

Q22: Can I use the money to hire a project fellow? Can the fellow be paid 50/50 by both institutions?

No, the TARE awardee is expected to do research on his / her own.

Q23: If I succeed in getting the TARE grant, can I apply for, say, an extramural grant later?

Applicant should not hold any ongoing research projects or any fellowship at the time of submission of application. You are not eligible to avail any other project from DST/SERB until you complete TARE project.

SERB Science and Technology Award for Research (SERB-STAR)

Q1: Who is eligible for STAR Award?

Principal Investigator (PI) with a completed SERB project (in the last three financial years) with “Excellent” grading, is eligible for the award. PI must be in regular service, within 40-50 years of age as on December 31 of the year of call. PI should not have any ongoing fellowship/honorarium such as JC Bose Fellowship, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize, Swarnajayanti Fellowship, etc.

Q2: How often the awards will be granted?

Call for nominations would be made and awards would be granted once in a year.

Q3: Is there any age limit for PI to be eligible for the award?

PI should be within 40 to 50 years as on December 31 of the year in which call is made.

Q4: I am already implementing another project under CRG. Am I eligible for STAR?

Yes. STAR is an award of recognition and can be concurrently held with other SERB projects.

Q5: How is the “Excellent” grading of project determined?

The Project Completion Report (PCR) of completed project are evaluated by concerned Programme Advisory Committee (PAC), and the performance are graded based on quality of research work done in the project, its impact, publications, patents, manpower generated, etc.

Q6: I have not sent PCR, but my output in my project is excellent. Can I be considered for the award?

No. It is essential to send the PCR of the completed project for evaluation by the concerned PAC.

Q7: I have forgotten to acknowledge SERB in many of my publications, but I have large number of publications from the project. Will I be considered for the award?

Only publications in which SERB grant is acknowledged will be taken into account as project output.

Q8: Will all the PIs whose projects are rated excellent receive award under STAR Scheme?

No. The PIs of excellent rated projects should also fulfill other eligibility criteria. The selection committee would choose the awardees based on performance of the completed project and other research work. Up to 30 STAR awards would be granted per year.

Q9: My project has been rated excellent, and I fulfill all other eligibility criteria. How should I apply for the STAR Award?

The PI cannot apply directly for the award. Entry would be by nomination by the Head of the Institution.

Q10: I have completed an EMR project 5 years ago, and it was rated “excellent”. Will I be considered for the award?

No. Only projects which have been completed in previous three financial years will be considered.

Q11: I completed EMR project in the year 2016-17 and my project was rated Excellent. I was considered for Distinguished Investigator Award but was unsuccessful. Can I be considered for STAR?

Yes, subject to fulfilling other eligibility criteria, the nomination would be considered.

SERB Technology Translation Award (SERB-TETRA)

Q1: Who is eligible for TETRA?

Principal Investigators/Inventors (PIs) of ongoing SERB Projects and all extramural projects completed in the last three years, where PI holds or has applied a patent, with an acknowledgement to SERB support.

Q2: How often the awards will be granted?

Call for application would be made and awards would be granted once in a year.

Q3: I am already implementing another SERB project. Am I eligible for TETRA?

Yes. TETRA is an award of recognition and can be concurrently held with other SERB projects.

Q4: I have applied for a number of patents. Can I submit multiple application?

No. You can submit only one application at a time mentioning about the patent details having the best translational potential.

Q5: I have forgotten to acknowledge SERB in many of my publications and patent, but I have large number of publications from the project. Will I be considered for the award?

Only publications in which SERB grant is acknowledged will be considered as project output.

Q6: Will all the PIs who holds or applied for a patent receive award under TETRA Scheme?

No. The selection committee would choose the awardees based on potential of translation for applied or granted patent.

Q7: I have completed an CRG project 5 years ago and hold a patent with acknowledgement of SERB support. Will I be considered for the award?

No. Only PIs of ongoing projects and all extramural projects completed in previous three financial years will be considered.

National Science Chair

Q1: What is the mode to submit my nomination for National Science Chair (NSC) Award?

The nominations are being accepted in online mode only through SERB online portal i.e.

Q2: What are the eligibility criteria for applying for NSC Award?

Please refer the section eligibility criteria given on the specific section of NSC Award at SERB website.

Q3: What are the mandatory additional documents required to submit a nomination?

1. Research Proposal with brief Introduction, Objective, Methodology, Budget and expected outcome (upto five pages) (For Mode-1 nominations only)
2. Endorsement Letter by the head of the Host Institute (Format)
3. Certificate from the Nominee (Format)

Q4: I am >65 years having Indian Nationality working in a foreign country institution as a Professor from past 5 years. Can I apply for this fellowship?

Yes, you can but after withdrawing your position from the foreign institution and getting a No Objection Certificate from the same institution to apply under NSC Award.

Q5: What are the areas covered under NSC Award?

Researchers working in areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and Medicine are eligible to apply under this fellowship.

Q6: Who will review my nomination?

Your nomination will be reviewed by an approved NSC Advisory Committee (NSCAC).

Q7: Who will decide on my nomination?

The final decision on all nominations is based on the recommendations of NSC Advisory Committee. The high level committee comprises of eminent experts in the field of S&T. The SERB solely depends on the recommendations of the Selection Committee.

Q8: Will I be notified of the selection?

This will usually follow approximately four to six weeks after the selection committee meeting. Please note that we cannot provide any personalised information before this juncture so as not to delay the notification process.

Q9: Can I file a plea against the decision of selection committee for not recommending my nomination?

Yes, you can but the decision on the plea will be taken, after thorough discussion and deliberations in the successive NSCAC meeting only.

Q10: Can I apply for Mode-I and Mode-II under NSC at the same time, if I fulfil the formal requirements?

No, it is not possible to apply for both modes at same time. However, if your nomination is not accepted for recommendations, you may apply to any other program as long as you fulfil the eligibility requirements in the successive call(s).

Q11: What are the most important selection criteria?

The essential aspect of the nomination is the individual nominee track record. Please refer to the eligibility and assessment criteria sections for more details on the selection criteria.

Q12: How/When can the individual start his NSC Award?

A letter is sent by the SERB to the nominee as well as to the host Institute informing the award of NSC. After receiving the same the nominee has to join the chair within six months of the date of offer letter and to send his / her Acceptance Letter to the Host Institute, indicating the tentative Date / Month when the nominee wants to start the award. Then the Institute will forward his Acceptance / Joining Letter to Science & Engineering Research Board along with the updated details of the bank for transfer of fund through RTGS (in the prescribed format). Based on this letter, SERB will process the file for getting administrative and financial approvals and then a Sanction Order is issued to the Host Institute. The start date, as per joining letter date of the nominee, of the award will be mentioned in the Sanction Order.

Q13: Can I avail or carry on already granted other fellowships with the NSC Award at the same time?

The selected NSC fellow, in both modes, cannot avail any other fellowship, during the tenure of the award but they are free to seek additional funds for pursuing research from other funding agencies excluding fellowship/honorarium/ salary. However, if they want to switch over and carry out any other fellowship, then they are required to submit the surrender certificate first with other relevant documents i.e. final Statement of Expenditure, Utilization Certificate, Project Completion Report and unspent balance to SERB and then only they should start the other fellowship.

Q14: Can I delay the implementation date of the award which is mentioned in the Sanction Order?

No, you cannot delay the implementation date after issuance of the sanction order for the award. Your joining date of the institute will be counted as the date of start for the fellowship.

Q15: Can I join two academic institutions to carry my research at the same time?

It is strongly advised to have one host institution for fund transfer & account management. However, you may get into collaboration with any other institute or organization.

Q16: Will my host institute receive any additional funds for the costs it incurs in connection with my research stay?

In general the host institute will receive overhead @ Rs.1,00,000/- per annum, apart from this there is no provision to provide additional funds.

Q17: Is the grants received under NSC Award taxable?

Yes, the Grant received under NSC Award is taxable as per I.T. rules.

Impacting Research Innovation and Technology (IMPRINT – II)

Q1: What is IMPRINT?

Q2: What is IMPRINT II?

IMPRINT-India initiative was both novel and unique. Despite unprecedented interest, wide spread enthusiasm and unique scope and utility of the initiative, a need was felt to sharpen the focus, streamline the process of review and allotment, and simplify the procedure and mechanism of funding. Thus, IMPRINT has now graduated into the next edition, IMPRINT II, with wider scope, simpler guideline for participation and better synergy among investigators, partners and collaborators. It is also realised and appreciated that IMPRINT IIshould be more inclusive by expanding the catchment of implementing institutions, by adopting a more demand-driven strategy for evolving solutions and by incorporating the specific externalities of the states of India so as to make translation and adaptation of technology easier for the end users. SERB (Science and Engineering Research Board) in the Department of Science & Technology (DST) is the nodal agency for implementing the IMPRINT II initiative working along with the National Coordinator. The SERB created a separate vertical under its overall set up with allocated resources and a time bound action plan for selection, funding and management of research projects under IMPRINT. Secretary (HE) and Secretary (DST) are the Co-chairpersons of the Apex Committee, while the National Coordinator of IMPRINT and Secretary of SERB are the Co-chairs of the Steering Committee of this vertical. The Expert Pool of Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) is being extensively used to constitute the Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) for each Domain and blind peer review of the proposals and knowledge management of the outcome of IMPRINT. In order to improve connectivity with the end-users, IMPRINT II has attempted to bring on board the stakeholder ministries right from the conceptualisation stage so as to nurture a participative ecosystem of project formulation, maturation, execution and delivery. Further integration of the programme for achieving national development and our commitment to global goals is proposed through sub-programmes covering states of India and partnership with the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Specific focus is proposed to be given to collate, analyse and document all the communications and consultations during Round-I and those proposed in Round-II in order to come up with the policy document and roadmap to research in engineering sciences within the next couple of years. The Uchhatar Avishkar Yojana (UAY) scheme will be subsumed within IMPRINT II and no further call for proposal submission under UAY would be issued.

IMPRINT IIA (on-going)
A national call for submission of preliminary proposals were made from interested researchers in March 2017. Out of 2145 preliminary proposals submitted, only 122 full proposals were selected through a two-stage peer review process involving 10 domain specific Program Advisory Committees (PACs) and the Steering Committee. The selected projects are now ready to get started.

IMPRINT IIB (on-going)
The Steering Committee of IMPRINT has decided to select a few more promising projects from the basket of proposals received under IMPRINT IIA without diluting the quality of peer review. A few such deserving proposals will be selected under this category and be approved and executed as an extension of the just concluded IMPRINT IIA, as, IMPRINT IIB.

Q3: IMPRINT IIC.1 (Regular IMPRINT Applications)(submission is closed now)?

Eligibility criteria applied
Principal Investigator (PI): The main applicant or the Principal Investigator (PI) should be an Indian citizen. The PI must hold a regular academic/research position (Faculty member or Scientist or Scientific Officer) of Centrally Funded Technical Institution (CFTI), MHRD funded Central University (CU) or MHRD funded Higher Education Institution (HEI) engaged in research and development (R&D) in engineering and technology (E&T), having at least 4 years of regular service left before superannuation as on date of submission of the proposal. Only one PI is allowed for a given project. Scientists selected for project funding under IMPRINT IIA and IMPRINT IIB are not eligible to apply for funding under IMPRINT IIC as the PI.

The term "Regular" in the context of IMPRINT II refers to the applicants who are appointed against the sanctioned or tenured post that are likely to be continued for at least another 4 years.

[Note: Research Associates, Ad-hoc faculties, Guest Faculty, Visiting Scientist, consultant, Project Fellows and Faculty members whose contract is renewed every year are not eligible.] (In cases where it is not covered by any of the above, SERB has the right to determine the eligibility)

  1. Projects which address any of the 20 'themes' falling under the 10 Technology Domains and 'topics' thereof.
  2. Projects which qualify as translational research initiatives leading to viable technology, prototype or working model development.
  3. Projects with industry participation or start-up company involvement that may lead to developing commercially viable products and thereby creating jobs.
  4. At least 25% of the project cost should be supported by the Industry out of which at least 10 % of the project cost should be in cash.

Any regular employee (faculty, staff, scientist, engineer) of CFTIs, CUs or HEIs (Indian national) belonging to any relevant area of science & Technology from any Government of India or State Government funded/ approved Institution, University, Deemed University, and/or R&D organization can be a Co-PI. In addition, members of a public/private sector industry (Indian national) is also eligible to be a Co-PI. One project may have multiple Co-PI. . It is mandatory that (a) there should be at least one Co-PI from the PI's Institute, and (b) there should be at least one co-PI at each of the participating Institute where fund from IMPRINT II project is proposed to be transferred.

Role of Co-PI:
Co-PI will assist and cooperate with the PI, as stipulated in the project proposal for the success of the project. His/her institute may receive part of the funding as per the requirement of the project through the Institution of the PI and help the PI submit the technical report, S/E and U/C.

Any faculty/staff member, scientist, engineer or regular employee of a Government/private funded institution/organization in India may be a partner in projects funded under IMPRINT II.

Role of Partner:
Partner(s) (individuals) will assist PI and Co-PI to realize the stated objectives of the project by offering technical assistance (project formulation, testing, characterization, trial, report writing, etc.), may get a share of the funding as per project requirement through the Institution of the PI (as per rules) and be a co-author in report, publication, patent and technology development as per the mutual agreement and provision of the project (PI to decide/declare beforehand).

Any faculty/staff member, scientist, engineer or employee of a Government/private funded institution/organization in India or abroad may be a collaborator in projects funded under IMPRINT II.

Role of Collaborator:
Collaborator(s) (individuals) may contribute to the success of the project as deemed fit by the PI/Co-PI and stated in the project proposal (say, by offering technical help, testing/characterization, consultation, advice, etc.), may feature in publication/report if PI desires but not enjoy direct funding from the project.

Q4: IMPRINT IIC.2 (Consortium Mode of Applications)?

A new/modified consortium approach is proposed in the IMPRINT IIC Programme to include strong and complementary expertise from across different disciplines and organizations within India to address major technological challenges for breakthrough in selected areas of societal/industrial importance. The Programme challenges the scientists to establish an effective, functional and synergistic consortium and drive all those partners to align to the pre-determined theme/topic for preparation of project proposal and its submission. It is expected that the consortium upholds Inter-disciplinarity that ensures synergy from diverse sources of knowledge and competence and create unprecedented complementarity that can enable formation of the strongest expert group in the country for the chosen theme/challenge and forging a unique strategic partnership for collective and national benefit. It is imperative that the team must select a PI and pledge to work under him/her.

A moderate investment to the tune of Rs. 20-30 crore per consortium is planned with Industrial contribution not less than 25% of which 10% should be by Cash. SERB has announced the themes ( View list )and challenge the scientific community to undertake such opportunities not only to prove their worth but also to make the nation proud of their scientific and technological exploit. The lead institute should also illustrate a sustainability plan in the proposal beyond the approved duration for long-term impact of the consortium and eventual realization of the desired product up to commercialization.

There should be at least two Institutes/Universities and two Industries involved in the Consortia

It is required to specify the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the proposal with suitable evidence and justification at the time of applying and also should specify the target TRL to reach.

The University/Institute will develop a sustainability plan and incorporate it into the proposal and run the Consortium for at least another five (5) years after the completion of project tenure (SERB support) towards for long-term impact of the consortium.

It is decided that all IMPRINT IIC.2 proposals must make an attempt to identify and involve industry partners or potential user group/agency who would offer financial support of maximum up to 50% of the budget and undertake field trial of the prototype developed by the concerned project. At least 25% of the overall project cost should be supported by the Industry out of which at least 10 % of the project cost should be in cash. Industry will transfer the cash component to the partner academic institutes and partner institutes will maintain the separate account of it.

Support in kind and cash can be under following suggested heads (with suitable justification): manpower, consumable, equipment/facility utilization and running charges, field trial/deployment charges, etc. No consultancy charges to the PI/Co-PIs should be considered neither in cash or nor in-kind component.

Eligibility- Who can apply
Principal Investigator (PI): The main applicant or the Principal Investigator (PI) should be an Indian citizen. The PI must hold a regular academic or research position (Faculty member or Scientist or Scientific Officer) of a Centrally Funded Technical Institution (CFTI), MHRD funded Central University (CU) or MHRD funded Higher Education Institution (HEI) engaged in research and development (R&D) in engineering and technology (E&T), having at least 6 years of regular service left before superannuation as on date of submission of the proposal. Only one PI is allowed for a given project.

Co-Principal Investigator (co-PI): The main applicant from other Institute or the co-Principal Investigator (co-PI) where fund is proposed to be transferred, should be an Indian citizen. He/she must hold a regular academic or research position (Faculty member or Scientist or Scientific Officer) of a Centrally Funded Technical Institution (CFTI), MHRD funded Central University (CU), MHRD funded Higher Education Institution (HEI) engaged in research and development (R&D) in engineering and technology (E&T) or any other Central/State Government academic/research Institute having at least 6 years of regular service left before superannuation as on date of submission of the proposal.

Co-Investigator (co-I):
Any regular employee (faculty, staff, scientist, engineer) of CFTIs, CUs or HEIs (Indian national) belonging to any relevant area of science & technology from any Government of India or State Government funded/approved Institution, University, Deemed University, and/or R&D organization can be a Co-I. In addition, members of a public/private sector industry (Indian national) is also eligible to be a Co-I. One project may have multiple Co-I.

It is mandatory that there should be at least one Co-PI and a Co-I in each of the participating Institute where fund is proposed to be transferred.
PIs of the projects selected for funding under IMPRINT IIA , IMPRINT IIB and IMPRINT-IIC.1 are not eligible to apply for funding under IMPRINT IIC.2 as the PI
The term "Regular" in the context of IMPRINT II refers to the applicants who are appointed against the sanctioned or tenured post that are likely to be continued for at least another 6 years.
[Note: Research Associates, Ad-hoc faculties, Guest Faculty, Visiting Scientist, consultant, Project Fellows and Faculty members whose contract is renewed every year are not eligible.] (In cases where it is not covered by any of the above, SERB has the right to determine the eligibility)

There should be at least two Institutes/Universities and two Industries involved in the Consortia.

It is mandatory that there should be at least one Co-Investigator in addition to the Co-Principal investigator(s) (i.e., at least two persons) at each of the participating Institute where fund is proposed to be transferred.

  1. Projects which address any of the 20 'themes' falling under the 10 Technology Domains and 'topics' thereof.
  2. Projects which qualify as translational research initiatives leading to viable technology, prototype or working model development.
  3. Projects with industry participation or start-up company involvement that may lead to developing commercially viable products and thereby creating jobs.
  4. At least 25% of the project cost should be supported by the Industry out of which at least 10 % of the project cost should be in cash.

Role of co-PI:
Co-PI will lead the team of investigators of his/her Institute and also liaise with funding agency/ministry, receive funds through the designated office and mechanism of his/her host Institution, be obliged to submit technical reports, statement of expenditure (S/E) and utilization certificate (U/C) as per IMPRINT II norms, and ensure adherence/compliance to the usual rules and regulations of his/her host Institution in terms of purchase, travel, recruitment, publication, academic and related ethical norms including intellectual property right (IPR), etc. Co-PI may share or transfer funds with other co-PI or partner (not collaborator) as per the project proposal and norms of his/her host institute, but will be responsible to collect all the necessary data/information and submit the technical report, S/E and U/C for the project on behalf of the team.

Co-Investigator (Co-I):
Any regular employee (faculty, staff, scientist, engineer) of CFTIs, CUs or HEIs (Indian national) belonging to any relevant area of science & Technology from any Government of India or State Government funded/ approved Institution, University, Deemed University, and/or R&D organization can be a Co-PI. In addition, members of a public/ private sector industry (Indian national) is also eligible to be a Co-I. One project may have multiple co-I. It is mandatory that there should be at least one co-Investigator (two investigators) at each of the participating Institute where fund is proposed.

Role of Co-Invesigator:
Co-I will assist and cooperate with the PI and Co-PI, as stipulated in the project proposal for the success of the project. His/her institute may receive part of the funding as per the requirement of the project through the Institution of the PI/Co-PI and help them to submit the technical report, S/E and U/C.

Any faculty/staff member, scientist, engineer or regular employee of a Government/private funded institution/organization in India may be a partner in projects funded under IMPRINT II.

Role of Partner:
Partner(s) (individuals) will assist PI and Co-PI to realize the stated objectives of the project by offering technical assistance (project formulation, testing, characterization, trial, report writing, etc.), may get a share of the funding as per project requirement through the Institution of the PI (as per rules) and be a co-author in report, publication, patent and technology development as per the mutual agreement and provision of the project (PI to decide/declare beforehand).

Any faculty/staff member, scientist, engineer or employee of a Government/private funded institution/organization in India or abroad may be a collaborator in projects funded under IMPRINT II.

Role of Collaborator:
Collaborator(s) (individuals) may contribute to the success of the project as deemed fit by the PI/Co-PI and stated in the project proposal (say, by offering technical help, testing/characterization, consultation, advice, etc.), may feature in publication/report if PI desires but not enjoy direct funding from the project.